Why testing?
Testing helps to---quality of software can be measured. Testing helps to find defects in software product from different point of views. Testing gives confidence about software's quality.
Are you familiar with any Defect Tracking Tool?
In past I have used Quality Center which is a very popular tool from HP. I have used it to plan my testing, to write test cases and loading it to test lab based on testing scenarios. I have experienced using MS Product Studio and MS Team Foundation and One open source tool call Bug Tracker.
Have you ever written a Test Plan?
I have written short UAT test plan in past. This was focused on how to conduct UAT. It had features like UAT Prerequisites, Participant and there Roles and testing responsibilities, Schedule, Featured to be tested, Pass/ Fail Criteria, and signing of activities. And I have contributed in some parts of Master test plan.
Have you ever written Test Case?
I have written different kind of test cases in past based on the requirement and communication with other related team members. I have also written some scenario based User stories as well.
Tell me about your experience on different level of testing .
There are many different ways and levels to test software based on project SDLC. It is always confusing. Tell same this what you have written in resume. But don't miss these
Integration Testing.
System Testing:
System testing one of the major level testing that cannot be bypass. During this level of testing, a QA tests system as a whole and verifies it works as expected. There are some specific types of testing that can be during during system level testing. some are : Recovery testing :( how well the system recovers the failure.) Security Testing : (capability of system to defend itself ), Load & Stress Testing (System is capable to handle maximum load and figure out the extreme load points), Performance Testing (determine the processing speed)Installation Testing (Installation & uninstallation is checked out in the target platform.)
Regression Testing
Acceptance Testing
What is Scenario based Testing ?
A scenario is a hypothetical story, used to help a person think through a complex problem or system. Scenarios are used to describe the functionality and behavior of a (software) system in a user-centered perspective. As scenarios form a kind of abstract level test cases for the system under development.Scenarios cover a number of steps/cases. In Test Director, after completing writing test cases, a tester can create test sets adding possible test case in it to make a test scenario. Test suites and scenarios can be used in concert for complete system tests. How to create a scenario; The scenario creation procedure:
Find all actors (roles played by persons/external systems) interacting with the system.
Find all (relevant system external) events.
Determine inputs, results and output of the system.
Determine system boundaries.
Create coarse overview scenarios (instance or type scenarios on business process or task level).
Prioritize scenarios according to importance, assure that the scenarios cover system functionality.
Create a step-by-step description of events and actions for each scenario (task level).
Create an overview diagram and a dependency chart.
Have users review and comment on the scenarios and diagrams.
Extend scenarios by refining the scenario description, break down tasks to single working steps.
Model alternative flows of actions, specify exceptions and how to react to exceptions.
Factor out abstract scenarios (sequences of interactions appearing in more than one scenario).
Include non-functional (performance) requirements and qualities in scenarios.(if in scope)
Have users check and validate the scenarios (Formal reviews)
(This answer is enough to answer in interview. To learn more about it go to Here In this Kaner, has explained in detail.
When Does Testing Stop?
Testing might stop when Deadline has been met.
Testing comes to a halt when the budget has been exhausted.
Testing might stop when all test cases have been run or when a predetermined percentages have been passed.
Testing might stop when a certain coverage % is made.
Testing might stop when bug rate, severity/priority falls to comfortable zone.
Testing helps to---quality of software can be measured. Testing helps to find defects in software product from different point of views. Testing gives confidence about software's quality.
Are you familiar with any Defect Tracking Tool?
In past I have used Quality Center which is a very popular tool from HP. I have used it to plan my testing, to write test cases and loading it to test lab based on testing scenarios. I have experienced using MS Product Studio and MS Team Foundation and One open source tool call Bug Tracker.
Have you ever written a Test Plan?
I have written short UAT test plan in past. This was focused on how to conduct UAT. It had features like UAT Prerequisites, Participant and there Roles and testing responsibilities, Schedule, Featured to be tested, Pass/ Fail Criteria, and signing of activities. And I have contributed in some parts of Master test plan.
Have you ever written Test Case?
I have written different kind of test cases in past based on the requirement and communication with other related team members. I have also written some scenario based User stories as well.
Tell me about your experience on different level of testing .
There are many different ways and levels to test software based on project SDLC. It is always confusing. Tell same this what you have written in resume. But don't miss these
Integration Testing.
System Testing:
System testing one of the major level testing that cannot be bypass. During this level of testing, a QA tests system as a whole and verifies it works as expected. There are some specific types of testing that can be during during system level testing. some are : Recovery testing :( how well the system recovers the failure.) Security Testing : (capability of system to defend itself ), Load & Stress Testing (System is capable to handle maximum load and figure out the extreme load points), Performance Testing (determine the processing speed)Installation Testing (Installation & uninstallation is checked out in the target platform.)
Regression Testing
Acceptance Testing
What is Scenario based Testing ?
A scenario is a hypothetical story, used to help a person think through a complex problem or system. Scenarios are used to describe the functionality and behavior of a (software) system in a user-centered perspective. As scenarios form a kind of abstract level test cases for the system under development.Scenarios cover a number of steps/cases. In Test Director, after completing writing test cases, a tester can create test sets adding possible test case in it to make a test scenario. Test suites and scenarios can be used in concert for complete system tests. How to create a scenario; The scenario creation procedure:
Find all actors (roles played by persons/external systems) interacting with the system.
Find all (relevant system external) events.
Determine inputs, results and output of the system.
Determine system boundaries.
Create coarse overview scenarios (instance or type scenarios on business process or task level).
Prioritize scenarios according to importance, assure that the scenarios cover system functionality.
Create a step-by-step description of events and actions for each scenario (task level).
Create an overview diagram and a dependency chart.
Have users review and comment on the scenarios and diagrams.
Extend scenarios by refining the scenario description, break down tasks to single working steps.
Model alternative flows of actions, specify exceptions and how to react to exceptions.
Factor out abstract scenarios (sequences of interactions appearing in more than one scenario).
Include non-functional (performance) requirements and qualities in scenarios.(if in scope)
Have users check and validate the scenarios (Formal reviews)
(This answer is enough to answer in interview. To learn more about it go to Here In this Kaner, has explained in detail.
When Does Testing Stop?
Testing might stop when Deadline has been met.
Testing comes to a halt when the budget has been exhausted.
Testing might stop when all test cases have been run or when a predetermined percentages have been passed.
Testing might stop when a certain coverage % is made.
Testing might stop when bug rate, severity/priority falls to comfortable zone.
What is Test Matrix?
Data collection mechanism. It provides a stricture way of testing the effects of combining variables, events or hardware.Table’s row and columns head describes the test conditions where cells keeps the execution result.
Tell me about test process or fundamental test process.
Test Analysis and design:
General testing objectives and high level design are transformed into detail test conditions, test cases and test deliverable. Other major tasks during this phase are prioritizing the test, designing detail test cases, gathering required test data, identifying tool, infrastructure required for test, designing and setting up test environment, creating requirement traceability matrix.
What are the Waterfall SDLC phases?

Tell me about test process or fundamental test process.
Test planning:
It starts with Test Planning phase. The main activities in this phase are defining the objectives of test and creating on the high level testing approach.Test Analysis and design:
General testing objectives and high level design are transformed into detail test conditions, test cases and test deliverable. Other major tasks during this phase are prioritizing the test, designing detail test cases, gathering required test data, identifying tool, infrastructure required for test, designing and setting up test environment, creating requirement traceability matrix.
Test execution:
Creating, running, and managing test suites based on priority, updating test data, updating test cases, automation scripts creation(if necessary), logging test results and many more activities.
Exit criteria evaluation and reporting:
Evaluating the per-defined exit criteria are met or not, assessing if more testing is required for this level of testing and ready to move to next level or not, or any change in exit criteria is necessary. Creating an test summary report.
Test closure :
Usually happens when software is ready for release or certain milestone has been achieved, a test project is completed. Some major test closure activities are: checking the deliverables are ready or not, reviewing and taking appropriate action to open bugs, handling over project to maintenance/production, documenting acceptance test plan, documenting lesson learned for future test purpose.What are the Waterfall SDLC phases?
1 comment:
yours answers are really good .Plz keep on posting few more interview questins with ans.
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