Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle

 PDCA cycle, often referred as the Deming cycle, Shewhart cycle, is an iterative four-step model for carrying out change for continuous improvement. The four phases in the cycle are Plan, Do, Check, and Act. The ‘Plan’ phase recognizes and plans needed change. The ‘Do’ phase is about implementation of the recognized plan. The ‘Check’ phase reviews, analyzes the outcomes and problems with their root causes and also identifies areas for improvements. And the ‘Act’ phase is about taking actions based on what you learned in the previous phase. The cycle repeats as an ongoing process of performance improvement until desired performance levels are achieved.

How will ICD-10 improve quality of care?

How will ICD-10 improve quality of care?
ICD-9-CM classification has not been able to fully integrate new changes and advancements in medical field. In the present scenario, over 30 years old ICD-9 classification system is outdated, vague and does not provide sufficient codes to document exact patient’s condition. Therefore, it may not provide a true reflection of a patient’s condition; potentially affecting quality of patient care. Consistent, accurate and precise coding, which are the fundamental elements of quality, make many direct positive impact on the quality of patient care. In the contrary, inconstant disease reporting and lack of quality data affects the outcome adversely.
ICD-10 has major improvement and modification in coding primary care encounters, external cause of injury, mental disorders, neoplasms and preventive health. Capturing the exact patient diagnosis with ICD-10 implementation will have the greatest positive impact on the overall quality of patient care. Moreover, ICD-10 provides coding system to capture severity, condition, and location of disease more precisely. This helps clinicians to make better treatment decisions by using more accurate diagnosis codes. For example, in the condition of expansion in diabetes mellitus related manifestations, ICD-10 provides combination codes for conditions and common symptoms codes to fully describe a condition.
In addition, ICD 10 has potential to incorporate with new codes when there will be new disease, procedure, device and technology available. Also, ICD-10 codes mapped with standardized nomenclature and compliance enables clinicians to use decision support system available with EHR system more effectively. It will bring big positive change in the quality of care by guiding clinician with valuable information.
Further, ICD-10 will improve the quality of data being collected and better data quality will bring positive impact in the data mining process as well. More specific data will help to collect the more real public health statistics in the U.S. and around the world, as well as helps researchers to obtain more accurate research results. It will help with monitoring public health risks and track, compare new and existing disease elements. It will, in turn will improve overall quality of public healthcare. More useful data will help to determine the quality of patient care as well.
ICD- 10 offers a better system to determine payments for patient care by offering more detail documentation and coding. Timely, accurate, and complete coding will minimize the chance of claim rejection and will help to enhance more accurate reimbursement process.
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Brief Introduction to Selenium-HTML Scripting With IDE

If you don't have selenium IDE, Go here.
Two major features of Selenium IDE are record and play. Selenium starts recording if the red button on the right hand corner is on. Script is divided into three different parts: Command, Target and Value. Selenium has three types of commands; Actions, Accessors and Assertions. Actions are the actions such as click or type. Accessors test the state of the applications and store the results in variables. Assertions are used to compare the actual result with the expected result. They have 'verify' 'assert' and 'waitFor' prefix. During recording user can simply right click and add these assertion for verification purpose or can be added later on.'waitFor' command waits until some condition is true. They do not wait if targeted condition is met but wait for some time if something is in progress.
Common Selenium  commands recorded by IDE are: open, type, click, click.., select, ...AndWait suffix eg clickAndWait, addSelection and etc.

What is the difference between verify and assert? when to use what?
When assert fails, current test script stops running and test in progress jumps to another test script. When verify fails, it logs the error but same script keeps running.  So when to use what is your choice. But you can always borrow some idea from best practice.
If you are verifying many elements is present in a  page, you can 'assert' the title of the page to make sure you are in the right page. If you are in the wrong page, its OK even script stops running right?
Assert is best used for critical part of the application, such as log-in verification. Once you are  logged in with an username you can assert that particular used name is there.
Selenium IDE is widely used to record the script  and export into other programming languages such as Java, C#,  Python and Ruby. You export script to your desired environment/framework such as Junit, TestNG and run your test from there. If you wish to run with TestRunner, you can save your script as a .html file and run it. Please go here to learn more about it.

Some Rules in Java:

  • A source code file can have only one public class and may have multiple non-public class
  • A public class  file name must match the public class name.
  • A file can have only one package statement and it must be the first line in the source code.
  • A file can have multiple imports.
  • Import statement is applicable to all classes in the source code file
  • If a class cannot be accessed, its members (methods and instance variables) cannot be accessed either.
  • A subclass can inherit a member of its super-class.A subclass can only extend one parent.
  • A class access determines its members' access. If a  class cannot be access, its member's cannot be accessed either.
  • 'this.' means currently executing object.
  • Private members cannot be inherited.

Java - Package

What is a package?
A package is a kind of directory that contains a group of related classes and interfaces. Packages hides its class and interfaces in a separate directory. Java has many such packages it its library. If you want to use a classes, you  have to import it into your program. If you want to use a method, then you have to import the corresponding class or interface.
A group of package is called library. Any class and interface inside a package is reusable.When a package is imported, its sub-packages are not automatically imported into a program. A separate import statement should be written to for every package or sub-package.

Java library
Classless and interfaces

There are two different types of packages.
1. build-in
2. User defined 
Build -in Packages
Build -in packages are already available in Java. These packages provide all necessary classes, interfaces and methods to perform tasks. Some important packages are:
java.lang:   This package has primary classes and interfaces for developing a basic Java program.
java.util: It has many useful collections. Date, time operations, victors... 
java.awt: awt stands for Abstract Window Toolkit.This package is useful for developing GUI-color, paintings, images etc. It consists one important sub-package java.awt.event. It provides actions like select radio button, menu etc.
javax.swing: Helpful for GUI. It is an extended package of java,awt(package developed from another package by adding new features). 'x' represents it as an extended package. Useful for authentication for network, creating sockets, to establish communication between client-server.
java.applet: Related to Java applets.
java.text: It contains two important classes. 'DateFormat' is to format date and time. 'NumberFormat' is to format numeric values.
java.sql: Helps to connects to the database like oracle, retrieve and use data in Java program.

User-Defined Package: 
Package created by user. User defined package can be used exactly same way as the build-in package. 
The keyword to create a package is package.

Features related to the Object Oriented Programming Systems(OOPS)

The root  concept of the object oriented programming(OOP) is 'Object' and developing programs using class and object. OOP languages allow programmers to use and reuse the same modules multiple times.You yourself are an 'object'. Tell me about yourself,(properties) - name - yoyo, age- 28.What can you do(methods) eating-eat(), running - run()
In JAVA  there is a main task to perform(Main method). That one task is divided into many modules(classes). Each class can perform certain task. Many methods are written inside a class to perform actions with data(variable). So variables and methods are also called 'members' of the class.

Some features of OOP are
Access Specifiers:
An access specifier is a key word that specifies how to access the member of classes or a class itself. There are four access specifiers in Java:
Private:  'Private' members of a class are not accessible anywhere outside the class. They are accessible only within the class by the methods of that class.
Public: Public member of a class are accessible from everywhere.
Protected: Accessible outside the class but only within the same directory.
Default: If not specified by a programmer, it is 'default' . Default members are accessible outside the class, bur within the same directory.Private for instance variable. Public for  methods, class.